Clients Come to Me Lodestone Magic
Get the Perfect Clients to Come to You!
This one is for my coaches, sales people, and anyone who depends on EXCELLENT clients and client relationships for their professional success.
Lodestones are nature’s magnets. Magically, they are worked with to draw and attract all kinds of things. This particular lodestone magic is created to support you in attracting and drawing the perfect clients – again and again! Clients who love your work, who are excited to work with you, who pay on time, and spread the joy about working with you far and wide.
Clients that YOU love! Clients that inspire you every day, that make you bring your A game and then some! Clients that you are dedicated to and are able to support in the deepest and best ways.
There are practical steps to finding, attracting, growing, and keeping amazing clients…and then there is magic that gives you the EDGE in doing the same.
Clients Come to Me is a potent lodestone spell that can be refreshed every month…bless yourself and your business with this magic!

How it works:
Clients Come to Me Lodestone Magic begins with a Lodestone that has been baptized, named, and fed with your intention to draw, attract, keep, and/or grow clients. Your petition is added to it and then your lodestone is fed everyday.
You will experience more clients who are happier, loyal, and awesome.
All you need to do in order to participate is send in your petition.
At the end of each month you will have the option to refresh your lodestone working or have me ritually bury the lodestone.
WHAT: Clients Come to Me Lodestone
Your petition, placed under a lavishly dressed and blessed lodestone. Your lodestone will be baptized named, and fed and then set to working for you. It will be fed daily. At the end of the month you will have the option to refresh the working or have be ritually bury your lodestone.
COST: $300 ~ to make and work for one month, with the option to renew or ritually bury at the end of the month.