“The monthly lunar light’s program has been a really great way for me to deepen my spiritual practice. It forces me to pause and take time to reflect on where I am and where I want to go, aligning with the energy of the full moon. I’ve set intentions for releasing, growing, healing, and learning this past year. Without the monthly email reminder from Bri to submit my lunar light’s petitions, I probably wouldn’t take the time to focus on my intentions as the year goes by. It’s been a great check-in for me every month to evaluate, breathe, and create.”
“I love the candle service. Knowing that I have candles lit for me every month has brought both tangible blessings and a glad heart into my life.”
“I feel through the lunar light service, I get to state my goal or certain purpose every month. Which allows me to become clearer on what exactly I am choosing to focus on. That clarity is priceless.”
“The lunar lights bring clarity I think. They’re an extra boost and I love them!”