Feast Days for the Radically Reverent ~ Easter
The Feast Day of Easter…
Easter is a holy day that calls us out. It calls us to go outside, to take in the new, fresh, world emerging from the deep winter. It calls us out to pay attention to the rhythm of the Sacred Year as it progresses. It calls us out especially when it comes to belief and traditions. For those raised in the Christian tradition, Easter cannot help but bring up our relationship to that tradition. For some of you that relationship is mostly positive. For others it is not an easy relationship, it is hard and fraught.
For those not raised in the Christian tradition, Easter is like Christmas…there is both a familiarity with the moment and a sense of exclusion. Exclusion because the holy day is not your holy day and familiarity because it seems that Easter, like Christmas, speaks to movements and energies that are familiar to all of us…even those not familiar with the story of Christ and the Resurrection. That of course is because Easter does speak to movements and energies that we all know, that we are all a part of no matter our background. And, like Christmas, Easter is a moment that has its own special power and magic, and it is one that all of us can participate in.
Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ and Easter is the celebration that reminds us resurrection is possible. In this world, in this moment, that reminder has never been more badly needed.
Easter is the day that reminds us, all of us, that we too can rise up, even when we feel we are at our lowest. Easter is the feast of abundance that concludes the Lenten season of Sadness, it is a reminder that there is a time and season to grieve and that the time and season is now over, now it is the time to celebrate life and to live.
Perhaps most of all Easter tells us that Death is not the end, not ever, and that Love is greater than any grave. There is something in that truth that may just save us all.
Areas to especially consider as you make your petition include:
- Allowing your sadness to give way to joy
- Invoking your ability to rise up
- Celebrating new life
- Coming into right relationship with your religious tradition(s)
- Coming in to right relationship with Death
- Prioritizing Love
As always, those who wish to add extra magic to their celebrations may order the custom candle for the season: RESURRECTION. Find it here. (Note: this candle is not available until AFTER April 9th)

What are Feast Days for the Radically Reverent?
Born into a family full of many devoted Catholic practitioners, Feast Days are one of the aspects of folk tradition that I love best. There are hundreds of Feast Days – in fact, according to official Catholic calendars every single day is a feast day – and that alone is a though worth pondering – what would happen if you treated every day as a feast day?
Years ago in my own practice I began creating altars and honoring ceremonies on Feast Days that have deep personal significance to me and inviting my community of soulful seekers to join in the process of honoring by sending in their own prayer requests, blessing ways, petitions, and thanks givings.
The results are always stunning. They remind me again and again that the act of blessing is transformative and also deeply universal — every year individuals from all over the world and many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds identifying as Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and followers of various alternative spiritual paths come together in blessing. It is a profound time always and one felt deeply by all participants.
These Feast Days can be found on various calendars but we celebrate them together with one thing in common – radical reverence; this is reverence that goes right down to the root of things in plain speech and in direct, heart-felt actions.
Feast Days for the Radically Reverent are open to all people who would like to come together to celebrate, request, and bless. They are 100% free of charge and always will be.