“To Love Another is to see the Face of God.”— Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
Welcome to:
Love is the reason we have magic in the first place. And it is time to give love, romance, and Eros, its due by setting aside time to divine and find medicine that specifically supports these areas of our lives.
The Love Magic Reading and Ritual aims to do exactly that.
No matter what is happening in YOUR love life and YOUR most cherished relationships…there is magic, medicine, and clarity that can speak to them…and help you ENJOY them more than you thought possible.
That’s why I created this service. As a strong 8th house Libra, I LOVE, LOVE. I truly believe it is one of the most precious aspects of life…and I want everyone to experience it.
It’s time.
✢ Drawing a Lover
✢ Spicing Up Your Sex Life
✢ Deepening a current love relationship
✢ Blessing a relationship
✢ Reconciliation
✢ Divorce, Separation, or Breaking Up
✢ More/deeper/better LOVE!
We will wrap up the experience with a Love Magic Ceremony that I perform on behalf of all participants.
Deadline to register is Friday, February 7th by 12 noon, central time
Sign Me Up!
Use the form below to purchase via paypal or click HERE to pay via Stripe (secure credit card processing)

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