Remember. Your. Magic.
The time has come to remember your magic…and (re) discover how to make it.
In the third year of the Sacred Arts Academy we get hands on and practical with Remembering Ways.
In this year-long course we delve into the actually makings of magic…if you are ready to create ceremonies, rock rituals, weave enchantments, and succeed in spells then this is the course and now is the time.
Our focus will be on magic, specifically folk magic, and the ins and outs of those traditions and how to set yourself up to begin making magic for yourself and your loved ones.

Magic that is Simple
One of the biggest mistakes I see in the teaching of magic is making it too complicated…magic isn’t complicated and it doesn’t require an advanced degree to get your spell work to sing. We will focus on what actually WORKS when it comes to making magic…and how you can put that into play for yourself right now.

Magic that is Close.
One of the most common ideas in magic is that the more exotic magic is, the more effective it is. Not only does this smack of colonialism and Orientalism, its also NOT true. Every place and every people have access to a wide variety of magical techniques, traditions, and materials…yes, even you. You just need to know where to look. This is the course that will give you that knowledge.

Magic that is Effective.
Because Remembering Ways, like the entire Sacred Arts Academy Training program, is taught by Briana Saussy – who creates custom ceremonies for people all over the world – this knowledge is not theoretical. Bri knows what works, what is effective, and what doesn’t. The focus in Remembering Ways is not just on magic but magic that works.

Are you ready to discover it?
Are you ready to Re-Member it?
If so, then you are ready for Remembering Ways.
IN Remembering Ways YOU WILL LEARN:
✺ The Meaning Behind Your Magical Autobiography
✺ How to set yourself up for spell crafting success
✺ What ingredients you must have in your magical cupboard
✺ How to cleanse and bless
✺ How to banish
✺ How to curse or jinx someone – and how to reversed the effects
✺ How to enchant for legal issues so that you are always favored
✺ How to make effective Money Magic
✺ How to make magic to increase health, vitality, and protection
✺ How to work with magic and divination together
✺ How to cast love spells
✺ How to enchant for success and mastery
Remembering Ways is the third year-long course in the Sacred Arts Academy Training Program. It is comprised of 7 teaching modules. We work with a month on/month off schedule so that learners have time and space to implement the content they have immersed themselves in.
Each month of the course features a teaching call with me that is available to the entire group – current students as well as alumni.
The general syllabus includes:
MODULE ONE: Your Magical Autobiography
In Module One, we begin by looking at the structure and pacing of Remembering Ways. We then explore magical biographries and autobiographies. Students receive a writing assignment! We finish by covering the basics you will need to set yourself up for spell casting success!
MODULE TWO: Magic for Cleansing, Blessing, Clarity, and Mastery
Module Two is all about creating magic for cleansing, blessing, clarity, wisdom and mastery. We will explore different magical techniques and the conditions that the magic-maker should consider before engaging in their work.
MODULE THREE: Magic for Protection, Health, and Home
Module Three is dedicated to the ins and outs of magic for health, vitality, protection, and caring for the home. Rituals, recipes, and the best ingredients to incorporate will all be included!
MODULE FOUR: Magic for Hexing, Jinxing, Cursing, Uncrossing, and Reversing
Module Four takes us into the shadowy world of curses, jinxes, and hexes, Students will learn how to identify them as well as how to address them including through acts like uncrossing and reversing.
MODULE FIVE: Magic for Law, Court Cases, and the Justice System
Magic dealing with the Justice system is not always needed, but usually when it is needed it is needed badly. This module focuses on the magic that is appropriate for influencing court cases, judges, lawyers, mediators, and officers of the law.
MODULE SIX: Magic for Love, Romance, Sex, Marriage, Dating, Partnership, Friendship, and Relationships
The Love Module! In this module we will go through the magic that you need for more/better/deeper love, romance, sex, and relationships. We will also cover relationships in general including friendships and business partnerships.
MODULE SEVEN: Magic for Money, Work, Career, Supervisors, and Success
Because things should always end on a firm foundation, we will conclude Remembering Ways with a deep dive on money, career, and success magic. In this module we will focus on how to get, grow, and keep your money, how to rock the work world, and how to call success into your life.

Modules are delivered through the private classroom. Modules are composed of MP3 audio files, pdf’s, and videos.

Remembering Ways begins on Winter Solstice each year.
You Hear the call, it’s time to respond

About the Teacher
Briana Saussy is a best-selling author, teacher, and Sacred Artist who has been facilitating women’s groups and teaching women’s mysteries since she was (16!) years old! Bri is now 44!
As a Sacred Artist, Briana’s clients include New York Times best-selling authors, business leaders, award-winning artists, authors, entrepreneurs, yoga teachers, and business coaches.
Briana’s work speaks to anyone who is looking for range and comprehensiveness of vision, which is required for a genuinely pragmatic approach to spirituality.
She is well-grounded in the world’s great religious and intellectual traditions, as well as western psychological practices.
Bri holds a B.A. and M.A. in Eastern and Western classics, philosophy, mathematics and science from St. John’s College (Annapolis and Santa Fe), and is a student of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit.
She has also trained at the Cross-Cultural Institute founded by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Reyes.
In her teaching, Briana is noted for a practical, grounded, and supportive approach to the mystical and magical while also invoking the depth and range of story, myth, and folk traditions from around the world. Briana is the founder of the Sacred Arts Academy Training Program, the first of its kind and only of its kind four year comprehensive training in the Sacred Arts.
Additionally, Briana has contributed to more than 7 books, including her two titles: Making Magic: Weaving Together the Everyday and the Extraordinary as well as Star Child: Joyful Parenting Through Astrology. Her third book on Tarot and Magic is forthcoming from Weiser.
Briana’s work has been featured in the Paris Review, Yoga Journal, Mind Body Green, The Mountain Astrologer, Energy Magazine, Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, and the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. She is a regular contributor to Enchanted Living magazine.
Remember, it’s not just Remembering Ways…
VALUE: $2500
When you sign up for Remembering Ways you aren’t just getting this course, you are also automatically enrolled in the Sacred Arts Academy which means you have access to the foundational course, Spinning Gold and our year two course Wolves and Stars.
This will help you:
︎✺Develop your understanding of the Sacred Arts and their related practices.
✺Take your knowledge and studies even deeper.
✺Qualify for awesome student discounts on a variety of services.
✺Experience the only of its kind, first of its kind, training program devoted to all of the Sacred Arts.