The air is cold, the omens are out, and the kiddos are back in school. It is a deep time when the stillness of Winter gives us the opportunity to snuggle up by the fire with a cup of coffee (or tea, or chocolate) and a good book.
Which is great, because this year is the first year that one of the long-term goals of Milagro Roots comes to fruition, because this year marks the debut of:
The Sacred Arts Book Club is not a “bring wine and hang out with your friends while pretending to talk about the book” kind of book club – nothing wrong with those but that’s not how this will roll.
This book club is for those of you who really want to sink into the best fiction and non-fiction books that speak to the Sacred Arts and understand them from the inside out.
In order to facilitate this process, I’ll be co-leading our seminars with my beloved husband David. Both of us have a background in reading and discussing books in a manner that allows us to attempt to understand these works the way the authors themselves understand them.
Thursdays from 1pm – 2pm central time beginning on January 25th 2024.
A full schedule will be made available upon registration.
We will open the SAA book club with an oldie but goody! Rudolfo Anaya’s masterpiece, Bless Me Ultima.
Session One: Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya
January 25th – April 4th 2024 – no class on March 7th!
Session Two: The Medea and The Bacchae by Euripides
April 11th – May 2nd 2024
Session Three: Selections from Dwellings by Linda Hogan
September 5th – November 7th 2024
Is VERY limited. I only have fourteen spaces available, and they will be given on a first come, first serve basis. I am limiting the size of this group in order to ensure that we have the best conversations possible and to also make sure that everyone who enrolls has a chance to contribute to our discussions.

The Sacred Arts Book Club is opening with Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me Ultima. Rudolfo Anaya is considered one of the Fathers of Chicano Literature and his fairy tale prose hearken back to some of our favorite tales. In the best-selling, Bless Me, Ultima we find Antonio Marez, a six year old little boy whose life changes when Ultima comes to stay with his family in New Mexico. Ultima is a curandera, one who cures with herbs and magic. Under her wise wing, Tony will probe the family ties that bind and rend him, and he will discover himself in the magical secrets of the pagan past-a mythic legacy as palpable as the Catholicism of Latin America. And at each life turn there is Ultima, who delivered Tony into the world…and will nurture the birth of his soul.

Briana Saussy is a best-selling author, teacher, and Sacred Artist.
David Saussy is the President of Symposium Great Books Institute, a not for profit organization dedicated to reading and discussing classical books from around the world as well as ancient languages.
Together, Bri and David have over 40 years of experience in reading and facilitating discussions on the best books from around the world. They love learning something new everyday, playing with their two beautiful sons, and early morning snuggles over coffee.
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