Maybe you have always yearned for something more…you sense the Divine right at the edge of your perception, you have deep dreams but don’t quite know what to make of them, you know that you have power…but you aren’t quite sure what to do with that knowledge. I see you.

You know who you are: you are into the woo, love Harry Potter, and have a ton of practices, tools, tips, and techniques at your fingertips.

You may call yourself a Witch or a Healer, a Shaman, or an Intuitive…you may still be search for the just right name. You are definitely wondering how to bring it all together…wondering why, with all of your tools, life still doesn’t feel as magical as you thought it would, as you feel like it could.

I see you and I know you, because I have walked that same road.

And I’m here to tell you…you aren’t wrong.

Miracle Tree Sessions with Briana Saussy

You are here for a reason…and I believe that a big part of that reason is to remember the Sacred Arts – the magic, traditions, folklore, medicine ways, energy techniques, divinatory skills, astrological knowledge, and liminal living that has been with us since we first dabbed our fingers in red ochre and drew lines on a rough cave wall.

These are the gifts of your lineage, your Ancestors, your Far Back People. They are the legacy of your future.

I 100% know that the way Sacred Artists live allows us to be more insightful, incisive, intelligent, resilient, and adaptable. It allows us to be better and to do better…in our families, our communities, and in the world.

We need that now more than ever.

The Sacred Arts is not a series of tips, or tricks or tools. It is an eco-system that feeds and nourishes multiple vital living organisms, including you.

THAT is why I created the Sacred Arts Academy Training. It is a unique, first of its kind, four-year program that will teach every facet of the Sacred Arts in connection – not fragmentation.

This course of study is designed to bring Freedom into your life and to allow you to identify what you are Fiercely Devoted to – because once you know that, everything else falls into place.

You are here because magic calls to you – you know, in your bones, we have big power, the power to transform…you aren’t wrong…and now is the time to get to know that power…up close and personal.

Join us.

What you will find in the

Sacred Arts Academy



Lessons are available in audio + video format. Videos include closed captions.

Cross-cultural approach that honors pluralities of opinion, experience, and backgrounds. All are welcome here!

Students are not required to be on any of the major social media platforms in order to fully participate.

Spinning Gold


Access all lessons and class materials in one convenient place.

Study at your own pace or follow the pace of your cohort group.

Access your lessons wherever and whenever.


Life Long Learning

Students may take as many courses as available + as many times as they wish.

Find support and feedback from our one of a kind Sacred Arts community!

Opportunities for further study, intensives, and mentorship programs.

What is the Sacred Arts Academy Training?

The Sacred Arts Academy (or SAA as I often call it) is a four year, comprehensive program devoted to every aspect and facet of the Sacred Arts.

Divination. Astrology. Magic. Ritual and Ceremony. Spirit Work. Living a liminal life. Folklore. Healing. Plant, animal and mineral medicines. Holy Helpers and the elements. ALL of it, in one place, over the course of four years.

Once individuals have completed all four courses they will receive a certificate of completion (and they will have made some life long friends along the way).

The word “academy” hearkens back to what is supposedly the first academy – Plato’s Academy in Athens. Although most famous depictions of this site indicate that it was in a temple and populated mostly by men, the truth is that the learning occurred in a Sacred Grove in the heart of ancient Athens. A forest, covered in offerings to the Gods and Goddesses of hearth and home, root and branch, fur and fang – where curious souls came to learn, discover, and encounter one another. Pretty awesome place to learn, right?

A tree is an excellent model for education and it is no accident that our word for where learning happens correlates to tree. In the Sacred Arts Academy we are committed to providing the tools and support for the Soulful Seeker who is developing, growing, becoming seasoned and mature in their own, one of a kind, unique way.

Each year-long course is dedicated to one aspect of development, modeled, most appropriately, after a tree.

Sacred Arts Academy Training

Spinning Gold

Summer Solstice 2021

Wolves and Stars

Autumn Equinox 2022

Remembering Ways

Winter Solstice 2023

Three Rivers

Spring Equinox 2025

How Can I Join?

Regular Tuition is $2500/year or $250/month.

As a THANK YOU for becoming a new subscriber you can sign up for the Sacred Arts Academy today and save over 90%!!!

Sign up for $25/month!

Once a student is enrolled they may participate in any of the courses that are currently available in the Sacred Arts Academy.

Membership is currently open!

Sacred Arts Academy New Subscriber Special

New Subscriber Thank You Discount!

Monthly payments of $250 $25

Loving it? Want to read more?

Keep on scrolling for a description of each course:

Roots: Spinning Gold

This is where discover the Sacred Arts in their natural territory of folklore, myth, and fairy tale, where we get very specific about the idea that all true magic comes from “within” as each student is introduced to their natural powers of Love, Faith, Hope, Justice, Moderation, Courage, and Wisdom. This is where we learn to reach into our lineage and broaden out into our legacy, and where we learn the true power of our name. This is where we begin and learn to stop spinning our wheels in an effort to manifest this or transform that, and instead start spinning gold.

Note: Participation in Spinning Gold is a pre-requisite for participation in any other SAA courses.

In this course you will learn:

What the Sacred Arts are

About the connection between Sacred Arts and Story

The seven natural powers that each individual has and how they show up for you

How to write your way back to yourself

How to work with a lasso/cord to reach into lineage and legacy

Dream Magic

Sacred Arts journaling techniques

The hows and whys behind Active Imagination Meditations

The connection between Magic, Mindset, and Manifestation

You core wounds, their appropriate medicines, and their great blessing ways

The power hidden within your name(s)

Foundations for establishing right relationship with the living world

Learn More

Trunk: Wolves and Stars

In Spinning Gold we looked within and discovered what we had within ourselves – the magic, mystery, and vast potential that we all contain. In Wolves and Stars we look outside of ourselves at the living, sentient, world. The foundations for right relationship are illuminated in Spinning Gold but the beings that we are in right relationship with take up the bulk of Wolves and Stars.

In this course you will learn:

How to identify, work with, and honor the four elements

To transform your daily experiences by seeing life as Oracular

How to divine in a proactive, diagnostic fashion no matter what divination system you use

To create your own personal lexicon of signs and symbols

How to create a Sacred Arts Book of Hours

The fundamentals of Astrology and Star Magic

Plant Medicine

Mineral Medicine

Animal Medicine

Discovery, Care, Feeding, and Creation of Talismans

Working with Holy Helpers

How to form alliances with faeries, angels, and other Intelligences

Learn More

Crown: Remembering Ways

Once we have established our knowledge and understanding of inner and outer magic, mythos, and mystery, it is time to get specific and discover different kinds of magical workings that are highly effective, traditions around typically taboo subjects like spirit contact, working with the elements in a magical context, integrating religious items and imagery into magical practices, the power of words, speech, and song. How to pray effectively as a Sacred Artist and how to maintain ongoing relationships with our Holy Helpers. Remembering Ways calls on magical traditions that will have something of the whiff of the familiar for each student because these are the particular details of the Sacred Arts that have been passed down generation to generation, albeit in fragmented and broken forms. Together we will piece them back together and give them rightful place in our lives.

In this course you will learn:

Working with Ancestors, Saints, and Sinners

Fundamentals of building successful rituals and ceremonies

Keeping a record of ceremonial experiences, successes, and failures

How to work with Prayers, Chants, Words of Power and Incantations

Earth Magic

Fire Magic

Water Magic

Air Magic

The Creation of and working with Sacred Vessels

Candle Work and Divination

How to create/integrate sacro-religio articles into your practice

Animal Medicine

Discovery, Care, Feeding, and Creation of Talismans

Working with Holy Helpers

How to form alliances with faeries, angels, and other Intelligences

How to bless and consecrate water and other fluids/libations

The art of making and keeping offerings

Advanced Active Imagination techniques

Advanced Spirit Contact Techniques

Advanced Dream work

Embodied Divination

Learn More

Forest: The Three Rivers

In the Three Rivers we bring all that we have learned in the first three courses together with an eye to practical application not only in the real world but in real life where we focus on the three areas that Sacred Artists are most sought after to address: Health, Wealth and Love. This course also features a bonus module called Working Between the Worlds, designed to help those who want to become professional Sacred Artists get their businesses up and running.

In this course you will learn:

How to establish a daily practice

How to assess health concerns

Different ways to attract a team of experts to support your health

Practices to support healing from illness or disease (on any level)

The fundamentals of energetic medicine and healing

How to protect and strengthen your health

How to get a clear picture of your money and financial stories

Ways to diminish debt and build capital

Why prosperity magic works and why it doesn’t

The just-right money magic for you

Mindset and Money practices to keep the river of abundance flowing

Healing financial wounds in your lineage

How to heal heart hurts

Methods to assess what stories about love and romance are found in your lineage

Magic for deepening intimacy and cultivating more satisfying love-making

How to draw, attract, and find the right lover

Ways to deepen a committed relationship/take it to the next level

The problems and promise of self-love

Rituals for marriage and children

Relationship as a spiritual practice

Learn More

You've Got Questions:

Ok, wait a minute…who ARE you?

Such a good question! I’m Briana Saussy (hi! Nice to meet you!) and you can read all about me here and check out my books here.

Can I audit a course?

If you have already been a full participant in a course you may choose to audit it for $100.

How long is each course?

Each course is designed to be completed in a year.

Do I have to participate for four years in a row to complete the training?

Students are not required to participate every year – so an individual could take Spinning Gold, take a year or two off, and then re-join the next time Wolves and Stars comes out.

Are there any prerequisites?

Students must be enrolled or be alumni in Spinning Gold in order to take any other courses.

How are courses delivered?

The Sacred Arts Academy training is delivered virtually through downloadable pdf’s, audio files, and videos.

Let’s talk about Spirituality for a sec, is this like, a religion?

No. The Sacred Arts a group of practices that are found in major religions as well as spiritual traditions around the world and across the board. Sometimes they are talked about in coded language, sometimes they are just not talked about but practiced, and rarely they are centered in a specific tradition. I am teaching you the core practices and ways of being in the world and you can bring those to any religion or spiritual tradition (or not) that you want to. For more on this, check out my book Making Magic.

Do you provide payment plans?


More questions?

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