Weaving the worlds together through story and magic.
As I wrote in my first book, Making Magic:
Magic is a wild animal. It is hawk and eagle, raven and owl, coyote and fox, wolf and wildcat, badger and bear. It shifts into all of the shapes and forms in between. Magic has been hunted and harried, tortured and trapped. It has witnessed its kin killed and its natural habitats destroyed. And like all wild creatures that find ways against the odds to survive, magic has grown careful and cautious, wise and wily. It is seen only in glimpses—a flash of eye, a swish of tail, a blur of motion—and then we are left with only trees and shadows and stars. It cannot be pursued in the usual ways. It is not something you can buy with money, earn through good behavior, or attain through the heat of drama and risk. The wilderness in which this particular wild animal resides is not found in some exotic place. It is here, and it is absurdly, wildly, free.
Magic has a story, and part of its story involves family, just as your story does.
The Sacred Arts are magic’s family, and we cannot come to understand it until we know them. Spinning Gold is where discover the Sacred Arts in their natural territory of folklore, myth, fairy tale, ceremony, and ritual practice.

Stories are not static.
They are living, breathing, beings. They hunger for the just right words, they thirst for an open-eared audience. They can feel lonely, ignored, and they can be abused and twisted beyond recognition.
When stories are remembered and restored they come alive, they twist and turn in fast sambas and swift split leaps and slow waltzes.

Stories find one another.
At some point the story of Magic became part of your story and that is why you are here right now reading these words.
Isn’t it time you find and get to know the story of your own, inner, magic? Really get to know it – in all of its stunning originality and particular detail?
Spinning Gold is where we live next to the electric truth that all true magic comes from “within” and meet some essential characters in the story of magic and the story of you: Love, Faith, Hope, Justice, Moderation, Courage, and Wisdom.
Stories have history. Stories are history. And, how do we create the future? We tell a story.
Spinning Gold is where we learn to reach into our lineage and broaden out into our legacy. Discovering both our Ancestors and our Descendants.

Stories have names.
They hide names. They give names. They challenge the names we think we know.
Spinning Gold is where we learn the true power of our name.

Are you ready to discover and hear them?
Are you, take a breath now, ready to tell them?
If so, then you are ready to begin Spinning Gold.
✺ What the Sacred Arts are
✺ About the connection between Sacred Arts and Story
✺ The seven natural powers that each individual has and how they show up for you
✺ How to write your way back to yourself
✺ How to work with a lasso/cord to reach into lineage and legacy
✺ Dream Magic
✺ Sacred Arts journaling techniques
✺ The hows and whys behind Active Imagination Meditations
✺ About the connection between Magic, Mindset, and Manifestation
✺ You core wounds, their appropriate medicines, and their great blessing ways
✺ The power hidden within your name(s)
✺ Foundations for establishing right relationship with the living world
Note: Participation in Spinning Gold is a prerequisite for participation in any other SAA courses.
Spinning Gold is a year long course comprised of 7 teaching modules that are each centered around a guiding story. We work with a month on/month off schedule so that learners have time and space to implement the content they have immersed themselves in.
Each month of the course features a teaching call with me that is available to the entire group – current students and our lifetime access alumni and/or alumni who have chosen to audit the course.
The general syllabus includes:
The Introductory Module
Guiding Story: Rumpelstiltskin
Natural Power: Faith
In the initial module we work with the story of Rumpelstiltskin to explore the natural power of faith (and ALL of the stuff that it triggers in us) and the most foundational of all the Sacred Arts – the Sacred Art of Right Relationship.
Learners will emerge with an understanding of what the Sacred Arts are, why story matters when learning the Sacred Arts, how to identify the seven natural powers we all have within us – and deal with the resistance we have around them, how to work with dreams, and the power of telling our own stories.

Module One
Guiding Story: Tamlin
Natural Power: Love
The Scottish Ballad Tamlin is a fantastic illustration of the weird and mysterious ways that the Otherworld finds us (and we find it) and the ability that is a pre-requisite – absolutely, gotta have it, for anyone who would create any kind of transformation in their lives.
We delve into the natural power of Love and explore the Sacred Art of Alchemy and Magic.
We will begin practicing some honest to goodness magic, explore journaling as a sacred and contemplative practice, discuss the Art of Memory, and begin working with Active Imagination techniques.

Module Two
Guiding Story: Vasilisa and the Baba Yaga
Natural Power: Courage
The most fearsome witch in the woods has always been the Baba Yaga. In this module we encounter her through the eyes of young Vasilisa and delve into the mysteries surrounding the Sacred Arts of Lineage and Legacy.
Working with a lasso, honoring our Ancestors and our Descendants, and refining our understanding of the relationship between magic and mindset practices are central themes in this module.

Module Three
Guiding Story: Beauty and the Beast
Natural Power: Hope
In this module we work with an original re-telling of Beauty and the Beast while we wrestle with the natural power of hope and the Sacred Arts of Divination, Astrology, and Dreams.
Our relationship to the heavens, wild places, land, and wounds will be explored as will initial divination techniques and intermediate dream work and rituals.

Module Four
Guiding Story: Sir Gawain and the Lady Ragnelle
Natural Power: Justice
A handsome knight, a heinous violation, and a burning question are the ingredients in the guiding story for Module Four.
Here we will explore our natural power of Justice and all that it makes possible as well as where it has been wounded. Balance and tension will be our companions through this module as we get familiar with the Sacred Arts of Ritual and Ceremony.
We will learn the basics of creating ritual and ceremony and begin to create our own.

Module Five
Guiding Story: Medea/La Llorona
Natural Power: Moderation
TW: This Module centers around two ancient tales that have elements of spousal and child abuse as well as infanticide.
Though the stories emerge from opposite ends of the world, their message is potent and felt in all languages.
Here we consider the Sacred Art of Cleansing and Purification and its role in our overall magic making and gold spinning.
We encounter themes of Necessity, Sovereignty, and Authenticity along the way as we clean out our own horror stories and learn to identify the needed medicines for healing and repair.

Module Six
Guiding Story: The Story of Job
Natural Power: Wisdom
My re-telling of the Biblical story of Job places us face to face with our natural power of Wisdom…and the shift in perspective that it requires. In this module we get familiar with the Sacred Arts of prayer, meditation, and blessing – discovering the differences and nuances in each one and putting them into practice.
We conclude the final module with a ceremony that may be performed individually or as a group and various ways to create/refine your own Sacred Arts practices.

Modules are delivered through the private classroom and portal which all learners must join so that they can access their materials. Modules are composed of MP3 audio files, pdf’s, and videos.

Spinning Gold begins and concludes on Summer Solstice each year.

Returning students:
Returning students may choose to audit Spinning Gold for a reasonable fee each year. Auditing the course provides students with access to all course materials, including new materials, and the monthly teaching calls.
Start Spinning Gold!

About the Teacher
Briana Saussy is a best-selling author, teacher, and Sacred Artist who has been facilitating women’s groups and teaching women’s mysteries since she was (16!) years old! Bri is now 42!
As a Sacred Artist, Briana’s clients include New York Times best-selling authors, business leaders, award-winning artists, authors, entrepreneurs, yoga teachers, and business coaches.
Briana’s work speaks to anyone who is looking for range and comprehensiveness of vision, which is required for a genuinely pragmatic approach to spirituality.
She is well-grounded in the world’s great religious and intellectual traditions, as well as western psychological practices.
Bri holds a B.A. and M.A. in Eastern and Western classics, philosophy, mathematics and science from St. John’s College (Annapolis and Santa Fe), and is a student of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit.
She has also trained at the Cross-Cultural Institute founded by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Reyes.
In her teaching, Briana is noted for a practical, grounded, and supportive approach to the mystical and magical while also invoking the depth and range of story, myth, and folk traditions from around the world. Briana is the founder of the Sacred Arts Academy Training Program, the first of its kind and only of its kind four year comprehensive training in the Sacred Arts.
Additionally, Briana has contributed to more than 7 books, including her two titles: Making Magic: Weaving Together the Everyday and the Extraordinary as well as Star Child: Joyful Parenting Through Astrology.
Briana’s work has been featured in the Paris Review, Yoga Journal, Mind Body Green, The Mountain Astrologer, Energy Magazine, Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, and the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. She is a regular contributor to Enchanted Living magazine.

Theresa Reed on Embodied Intuition

Esmé Wang on Mental Wellness and Magic

Pam Grossman on Witchcraft and Magic

Fabeku Fatunmise on Ancestors + Lineage

Chiron Armand on Magic in the City and Urban Shamanism

Randi Buckley on Healthy Boundaries

Alexandra Franzen on Survival and Books

Dyana Valentine on Oracular Living

Jason Miller on Sorcery

Kara Hoppe on Trauma and the Sacred Arts

Heidi Rose Robbins on Astrology and the Sacred Arts

Amy Oscar on Angels and Divine Messengers

Martha Jo Atkins on Death and Dying

Danielle Cohen on Visibility Magic

Najah Lightfoot on Rituals and Practices for Creativity

Debra Smouse on Structure, Space, and Sacred Arts

Myra Krien on Sacred Dance

Sarah Anne Lawless on Flora and Fauna

Grace Quantock on Sacred Arts with Limitations and How to Make a Blessing Bowl
VALUE: $2500
When you sign up for Spinning Gold you aren’t just getting Spinning Gold, you are also automatically enrolled in the Sacred Arts Academy which means you have access to Wolves and Stars, the year 2 training as well!
This will help you:
︎✺Develop your understanding of the Sacred Arts and their related practices.
✺Take your knowledge and studies even deeper.
✺Qualify for awesome student discounts on a variety of services.
✺Experience the only of its kind, first of its kind, training program devoted to all of the Sacred Arts.
VALUE: $500
This video workshop was one of my most popular last year. I take you through the ins and outs of prioritizing, list-making, and organizing your time so that you can do more of what you love and less of what you don’t. Essential for all busy soulful seekers, especially those of you that want to one day go into business for yourself!
This will help you:
✺Learn how to HONOR your time.
✺Discern between the things you think you should do and the things you ACTUALLY want to do
✺Put actions plans into place to accomplish your goals
✺Discover what organizational tools and techniques work best for YOU.
VALUE: $350
When it comes to prayer and blessing I have a very simple philosophy: Be blessed, and be a blessing in turn. One of the questions I am most often asked is….how do I pray? This is the workbook that answers that question…often in surprising ways that will help you cultivate healthy and right relationship with the Sacred Arts of Prayer and Blessing.
This will help you:
✺Jailbreak the idea of prayer and make it your own
✺Understand that the way you were taught to pray is just ONE of many options
✺Deepen your relationship to the transformative power of Prayer and Blessing.
✺Create your own potent prayers and ways of praying.
VALUE: $500
Ways to Arise: Emerging from Hard Times is a video series that kicks off with an original re-telling of the story of the Goddess Persephone. This series gets into the nitty-gritty of trauma and what an intelligent and ethical Sacred Arts-based response to trauma might look like…including practice steps and actions for healing and remediation.
This will help you:
✺Name wounds that are in need of healing
✺Feel inspired to take charge of your own healing
✺Guide you in practical Sacred Arts based techniques to recover your own sense of health, wholeness, and holiness.
✺Thrive in adverse conditions.
VALUE: $500
This training is all about the first steps that we take when we move from “beyond the hedge” of the archetypal village and into the wilds of liminal Time Beyond Time and Space Beyond Space.
This will help you:
✺Learn practical, Sacred Arts techniques for engaging with the Liminal.
✺Know how to protect yourself during astral journeys, trance-work, and active imagination meditations.
✺Recover your own relationship to the magical “Otherworld”.
✺Develop practices that allow you to move in and out of the Liminal Otherworld with ease and grace.
VALUE: $350
To banish something means quite simply to get rid of it. But banishing doesn’t work for a lot of people because we forget that when we let something go, we also need to call something IN. This workbook guides you through a core sacred arts practice that will leave you feeling refreshed, expanded, and positively transformed.
This will help you:
✺Rid yourself of unwanted thoughts, feelings, and things.
✺Attract more of what you want while repelling that which you don’t want.
✺Put you in touch with your own core virtues.
✺Leave you feeling clean and clear at the beginning of each day!
VALUE: $1000
If you have always wanted to weave Astrology into your daily life (and calendar) but don’t really know where to begin, then this training is for you. I take you through the ins and outs of how to plan with Astrology for your day, week, month, and year. Best part? You can be a total newbie to Astrology and still benefit from this training!
This will help you:
✺Align yourself with the heavens so that you are IN THE FLOW.
✺Learn about the different layers of astrology that can be applied to your planning process.
✺Discover what is happening in the sky right now and how it speaks to your life.
✺Benefit from favorable astrological events!
VALUE: $500
Do you often receive messages, omens, or experience synchronicity and then feel at a loss to explain what they mean? Do you want to be able to read Tarot cards, Runes, or the I-Ching for yourself but aren’t sure where to begin? Do your dreams feel both important AND confusing?
If so, then this training on how messages show up and how we can best uncover their meanings will be PERFECT for you!
This will help you:
✺Identify messages and omens from Spirit.
✺Learn the Sacred Art of Call and Response.
✺Understand how to MAKE SENSE of the messages that you receive.
✺Know what NOT to do when you first receive a message, omen, or dream.
✺Take ACTION on the messages, omens, and divine communications that you receive.
There is a deep well teachings, including mini teachings on Astrology, Money Magic, Love Magic, Business Success and Abundance practices, as well as Active Imagination Meditations (AIMs) that offer profound liminal experiences in the Sacred Arts Academy archives…you have access to all of then when you join Spinning Gold!
This will help you:
✺Develop extra insight into various Sacred Arts practices.
✺Experience the profound transformations that come with Active Imagination work.
✺Align yourself with seasons, cycles, and celestial events.
✺Learn even more tangible Sacred Arts skills!

Returning students may choose to audit Spinning Gold for a reasonable fee each year. Auditing the course provides students with access to all course materials, including new materials, and the monthly teaching calls.