Your relationship to magic, to the Sacred Arts, is ever-deepening.
You have grown skilled at moving in and with the Otherworld.
Now it is time to bring magic fully into your life here and now.
For the Witch, the Priestess, the Healer, the Magician and Empress…these figures were never meant to engage in the work of serving others while worrying endlessly about the state of their own affairs, constantly stressing over their own lives.
We have been told differently of course.
We have been told by religious and political institutions that it should be enough to serve, enough to aid, that thinking about our own lives, prioritizing our own health, wealth, and erotic well-being is vain, selfish, wicked, and sinful.
And what we have been told is quite simply wrong.
It is the story of institutions in power who do not want to give up their power, who do not want you, with your witchy ways, to grow in power – especially material power.
It is a lie.
You know this is true, you feel it in both bone and breath.
We cannot serve others – not even our beloved family members – with any kind of impact if we are not caring for ourselves.
We cannot be as creative or inspired by our liminal learnings if our thoughts and feelings are flooded with constant anxiety over the shape of our own lives.
We cannot, not really, believe in magic and the power of magic to transform, if we are not experiencing it in our own lives first and foremost.
So…let’s do that.
My vision for the New Year is one of wealthy Witches, prosperous Priestesses, healthy Healers, monied Magicians, and Empresses that truly rule.
My vision for Sacred Artists of all stripes in the coming year is one of full, joyous, lives that are replete with wealth, health, and happiness.
I want Sacred Artists carrying cups full of magic so that they are able to share, care, and serve from a place of abundant generosity and love.
You can’t, we can’t, do those things with empty cups.
Now hear me: if this is not where you are, if your life is not in order, if you are not in a place of wealth, health, and happiness it doesn’t mean you have failed.
Rather, it means you have been failed.
It means that you have been surrounded by stories that have told you No and Stop and No More and Not Enough and So What?
And some part of you has believed those stories, which is completely natural.
But you know what?
We have magic on our side…so we can change all of that.
The secret in many a fairy tale is this: Witches know other Witches. Magicians know other Magicians. Priestesses and Healers have entire communities witch whom they can work.
Learning to make magic for yourself is well and good…but if and when you fully step into your role as a Sacred Artist what really supports you is having someone else make magic for you…while you make magic for others.
And this is why I created Annus Mirabilis ~ The Miracle Year.
Our Miracle Year is composed of three layers:

The Fixed Stars Society

Triple Threat Candle Service

Mind, Body, Spirit...Business!!!
Each layer serves a specific purpose in enriching your life here and now from top to bottom.
The Triple Threat candle service packs a three-fold power boost into your life every single month that focuses on supporting you in making, growing, and keeping more money, increasing and protecting your health and vitality, and giving you the ability to attract more of what and who you want, all while being more loved and more loving.
Candles are dressed, blessed, and set by me on the 1st of each month so that you start the month off with ALL THE THINGS!
The Fixed Stars Society is the program that allows you to align with the stars while I create custom rituals honoring every major celestial event over the course of the year…and your relationship to them. Through the use of age-old and brand new astrological remediation techniques
I fix the stars so that they shine in your favor.
Mind, Body, Spirit…Business!!! is where you show up and do the work. This go-at-your-own pace program will teach you the ins and outs of creating a Sacred Arts business for yourself. Now some of you may have zero interest in that, some of you might be curious, and some of you may be secretly yearning to do exactly that.
Wherever you happen to fall on that spectrum, here is what I know: there is no greater magic for our society right now than women and marginalized communities having money, power, and purpose. Running your own business, knowing THAT you could run your own business? That is power.
Whether and when you do it is up to you, and in Mind, Body, Spirit…Business!!!I give you the exact tools you need to make a Sacred Arts business thrive and succeed.
Sold Out
All of these services together come in right at $5,825.
But, I want as many of you as possible to have the opportunity to engage with these offerings and experience the support that comes when someone has your back magically speaking.
So, you are getting all three of them for the price of one!
Join Annus Mirabilis ~ The Miracle Year for one payment of $3000 (that’s the price of Mind, Body, Spirit…Business!!! alone!!!), two payments of $1550, or 12 monthly payments of $275.
The only catch? You have to sign up by 12 noon, Texas time on December 29th…this offering goes poof! after that.
This is actually me, practicing what I wrote about above…it’s easy to be generous when you are coming from a place of abundance, it’s a joy and not a drain to serve when you have the winds of magic at your back.
I want that freedom, joy, and abundant goodness for each of you. Allow yourself to have it.