How to Honor the Full Moon

Dear Miracles,

Previously I wrote about how to honor and work with the New Moon and of course many of you wrote to me asking, what about the Full Moon? There are probably few other emblems that have the ability to drop us down into magical consciousness the way that a luminous full moon does. Whether she shines out in a clear night sky or he is covered over with wispy clouds and starlight, the Full Moon radiates magic-making possibility.

The key word for the Full Moon is fertility, and that is not by happenstance. Just as women when the rhythm established by Nature will menstruate with the New Moon, we are at the height of our fertility on or right around the Full Moon. So the Full Moon can be seen literally and metaphorically as baby-making time!

With that in mind here are some ways to honor this potent magical time:

πŸŒ• Create an altar honoring a specific endeavor, intention, or goal that you are working on. This will give you a place to focus your intentions and make some magic. Light a devotional candle to give this intention extra mojo.
πŸŒ• Celebrate Accomplishments ~ What have you accomplished in the last lunation? Have any big projects, dreams, endeavors, or goals been met and nailed? Have you decided to let something that was not working go? There is never a better time to celebrate whatever good you have brought into the world.
πŸŒ• See Clearly~My lunar letter goes out to subscribers a few days before the Full Moon and I always include a few questions so that readers may use the divination method of their choice and see into a question or concern by the light of the moon. We physically see different in full moonlight as opposed to sunlight, but we see differently in a spiritual manner as well. Many believe that they are more sensitive, more “skinless”, and psychic during the Full Moon, making it THE time for divination.
πŸŒ• Offer it up~Making offerings is a time-honored act found in many different sacro-magical traditions. The Full Moon is a wonderful time to make any kind of offering to your allies, your guides, the Saints, Angels, or simply to the beautiful land itself. J#sacredartsforsoulfulssekers s that are nutritious and completely biodegradable and don’t leave a mess. And remember, prayer is an offering too.

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