Many Branches–Talking to Angels with Amy Oscar

ear Miracles,

My longtime readers know that I am typically the kind of gal who rolls her eyes when someone describes themselves as an angel talker or lightworker — not because I don’t believe that those abilities are real, but because I do and I think many people take advantage of the terms. How refreshing it was then for me to “meet” with Amy Oscar and feel into her wise and profound perspective on both the celestial and terrestrial realms.  Amy truly is a lightworker — she is grounded and full of gleaming wisdom and sharp discernment. Her mission is service pure and simple and I know that she herself is an angel incarnate for so many men and women-I count myself among them and I count myself blessed by her presence and devotion.

In her own words: 

It is been my honor to have guided hundreds of women (and men) through The Soul Caller Training – a five-week paradigm shift from stress, fear, and suffering to ease, beauty and love. Read their comments here. My books, Sea of Miracles and, My Guardian Angel,  co-authored with Doreen Virtue, invite you into my story, and your direct, personal relationship with the Divine. I hope that you’ll join me on Twitter for #SoulCall, a free, open and trending!  Sunday morning conversation about living a spiritual life in a material world. Sundays at 10 am/ET

Connect with Amy

One of the terms you use to describe yourself is a Soul Caller-would you share with us what a Soul Caller is? What does she do?

A Soul Caller is a human being who lives in an awakened relationship with the divine and with the world. She (or he) is aware that her thoughts are energy and that this energy has an impact on her life and on the world around her.

She feels, senses and knows that she exists in a living and flexible ‘call and response relationship’ with the universe; on a living planet that seems (that is) designed to respond to her. When she is fully in the flow of this, she has the direct experience of this response. Her prayers are answered – in delightful and surprising ways. Her needs are met, her thirsts quenched. She feels safe and supported.

However. Every Soul Caller I’ve ever met has experienced, first, a deep sense of loss and disorientation. A kind of pre-awakening in which she (or he) realizes that the world is not what it seems, what it seemed only days earlier. There is often a sudden sense of being shaken awake – where she feels as if she’s lifted up above her own story and is able to see herself going through the motions, through a kind of dance of patterns, which no longer makes sense.

She says things like: “I no longer fit here,” or “I feel like a stranger to myself.” She says, “I suddenly realized that I no longer wanted to do this work (or be in this relationship (or this church or this town)).

This disorientation is coupled with fierce certainty. She says things like, “I don’t know where I’m going but it’s not this – not here. Not anymore.”

As the illusions peel away, she may experience feelings of deep sadness, a kind of grief for the world itself, she may feel stuck and then suddenly, incredibly free – as alternating currents of energy begin coursing through her life. She arrives in my classroom not knowing what she wants, asking: Who am I? while also, on a deeper level, the answer to her own question is emerging.

My work is to help her to hear what is bubbling up, what is calling. My work is to midwife what has already begun.

One of the parts of your work that really comes through for me is the communication you have with, and guidance you receive from Angels-can you talk a little more about this aspect of your work, when did you first start communicating with angels and how has their message transformed your life?

Well, actually, the angels started communicating with me! In 2004, while working as a magazine editor, I was asked to launch a new column featuring readers’ stories of real-life encounters with angels. I was delighted by the project – though, at the time, I didn’t believe in angels.

Looking back now, I laugh. The Angels drafted me – and almost immediately, they made their presence known. They’d leave a feather on my keyboard, send a vivid dream or somehow, arrange an encounter with just the person I needed to meet. They guided me to choices that shifted every part of my life – from my health and weight to my marriage and work.

Now that I’m aware of the angels, it’s clear that I’d been communicating with them all of my life. I just didn’t call them angels. My family wasn’t religious – my dad was a social worker/psychotherapist, my mom was a poet and painter – they wouldn’t have talked about the things I was experiencing in that way.

Yet ever since I was a little child, I had a strong sense that I was guided – that we all were. I’d lie in bed talking out loud to the presence that I sensed was listening with affection and interest to what I had to say.

As I got older and began to fill notebook after notebook with feelings (and boy did I have feelings!!) and ideas (big ones!) and stories, I sensed this same presence still there, still listening. I dreamed in technicolor – vivid and elaborate imagery with set changes and wise teachers showing up to tell me things. I lived embedded in nature, in my mother’s lush one-acre garden, and in summer camp, where my dad was the director, where I’d spend all day talking with the trees and animals and even, the rocks and the clear water of the lake.

When I got older, that presence was always with me. When I took foolish risks in high school and college. And later, when I longed to be a mother, guiding me strongly – through dreams and synchronicity and very strong clairsentience – to the doctors (and the psychic) that would help us conceive our son and then our daughter.

This presence was always there – and I was never confused about it – it wasn’t an imaginary friend and it wasn’t just my own intuition. This was a responsive, engaged someone. No one taught me to engage with it – I seemed to arrive knowing that when I lost something – a school book or set of keys – all I had to do was ask out loud, “Please bring it back to me,” and I’d feel a kind of inner tug which would lead me straight to my lost item. Later, after college, when a friend let me play with her tarot cards, something I’d never heard of before, I simply ‘knew’ how to use them.

This never seemed unusual to me. What struck me as strange was when people couldn’t do this. And I began to see that I could help them. And when I did, they’d learn quickly and easily.

Because EVERYONE can talk with this presence, which some people know as angels, and others, like me, know and perceive as a shimmering non-physical support system, Everyone.

In fact, you’re already interacting with it all the time. It’s just so much a part of our nature, a built-in and organic part of being human that we don’t notice we’re doing it.

Even those with no sense of God or any other spiritual entity will reach out to this something, this someone when strong emotion overcomes them.

I believe the heart is born connected to this something and that the heart knows senses that it’s there.

One of the quotes on your site is…”You can change. Everything can change.” I think this is so refreshing in a sea of–it’s not going to ever change, he won’t change, you can’t change-how does change figure into the work you do with groups and individuals?

We are constantly changing – as are all things. Even the stones are changing – they are doing it very slowly, so we don’t notice it. But over time, as weather wears the stone to sand or pressure compresses it to crystal – all things are constantly flowing into and out of form.

That said, sometimes people just feel stuck. Completely. Profoundly. Stuck. But even then, as they become more and more uncomfortable with that stuckness, things are shifting. The discomfort itself is a shift – from boredom, from inertia, into suffering. And from suffering, we always reach for relief. The more uncomfortable we get – with the boring job, the stale relationship, the unhealthy lifestyle – the more we start looking for something else.

Discomfort is guidance – it calls us to shift toward something new, something more.

No one is stuck beyond change. Even my father, 86 years old, confined to a wheelchair and able to move only one hand, changes. Every time I see him, he talks about what’s new; he tells me what he’s thinking about. He says, “There’s always something interesting going on,” he tells me. “There is always hope. You can’t give up.”

One of your offerings is the Soul Caller Training-can you tell us a little about this, where the idea came from and what the program entails?

The Soul Caller Training is the result of my own 30-year journey as a workshop junkie, systems analyst, magazine editor and more recently, spiritual counselor. The program arrived as I woke from a dream about two years ago – it was a complete ‘download’  – composed of mental imagery and streams of words which I scribbled down as if taking dictation.

Since then, it’s evolved quite a bit but the basic program is there. It’s a five-week, online training (plus a lifetime membership in our Soul Caller Circle, after graduation). It’s designed to shift your perception of the world and your place in it. No one comes away unchanged. Once you see the truth and beauty of who you are – and what the world is, you can never go back.

If you could give one piece of wisdom to my readers today, what would it be?

Find the place inside of your own heart that knows what is right and what is wrong. The part of you that simply knows – without effort or mental gymnastics – what it feels like when you are centered, safe, whole, engaged and alive. That’s the compass. Align with it. Let it guide you. It’s your inner star – your connection to the divine and to everything that matters to you. Another, simpler way of saying this is: choose toward love – no matter what There is always a choice toward love – including the choice to love yourself.

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