Every year for at least half the year and sometimes more, the planet Pluto goes retrograde. Astrologers in the classical world interpreted a planet’s retrograde motion as a descent into the Underworld, but of course, this was long before the planet Pluto was discovered and we have an interesting quandary unique to Pluto’s retrograde which is this: what does it mean for the King of the Underworld to descend into the Underworld…or is something different happening when Pluto goes retrograde?

As a Pluto-sensitive person, I have paid close attention to how this planet’s retrograde periods show up in my life and in the lives of my clients and students. Contrary to the ways that many of the other retrogrades work, I do not find that Pluto retrograde makes us more introspective or interested in navigating our shadow sides (that’s what Pluto direct does). Rather, I find that Pluto retrograde places great emphasis on the areas of our life that need to be attended to in order for us to stand fully in our sovereignty and power…not only in the obvious and visible ways but also in the less visible and hidden realms as well.


– Consider your lineage and what aspects of it currently support you and what aspects need to be re-evaluated or worked through
– Pay attention to any “mission critical areas” that get especially intense as the retrograde begins
– Identify the areas you need extra help or support in and then find that support/ask for help
– Work with your ancestors
– Learn about the place that you live and what underground resources are native to your area
– Avoid giving power to those who would try to manipulate you
– Make solid investments
– Get clear on when you feel most sovereign and what is happening that allows you to feel that way
– Make sure you have the proper support for financial health
– Determine what support you need for physical health and get that
– Release/banish anything that needs to be released or banished
– Amp up your banishing magic


– Engage in power plays or attempts and dominating those weaker than you
– Be passive aggressive or emotionally manipulative
– Ignore your needs
– Neglect taking care of the areas of your life that are crying out for attention
– Forget about your ancestors
– Refuse to look at your lineage and address any areas that need to be taken care of
– Lie
– Spill secrets
– Try to hold onto something that is on its way out
– Be afraid of death
– Overlook the places you are already empowered and sovereign

Pluto is the planet of creation and destruction, the God Pluto is the ruler of the Underworld, the sovereign of the realm of the Dead. All of this points to Pluto’s fundamental relationship to Necessity, and when Pluto goes retrograde we are also encouraged to see what is needed and necessary right now.

If you are Pluto-sensitive and concerned about the effects of the retrograde you may engage in the following acts of honoring and propitiating this intense powerhouse of a planet:

– Add the color black, bowls of honey, black earth, minerals or jewels, and water to your altar
– Burn black storax on Saturdays
– Donate to an organization protecting lands from unethical mining practices
– Clean a gravesite and dedicate the merits of your work to Pluto
– Donate money for people who do not have the means for proper burial
– Create an ancestor altar and begin working with your Ancestors
– Ensure your will and last testament are up to date
– Ask your elders for stories about your family history

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