Hola, Miracles, get wisdom from nature:

Outside, pruning my garden, I notice a climbing spinach vine shooting up like there was no tomorrow. A few weeks ago, this little spinach had started coiling around the white wire fencing I have around my vegetable patch to keep our dog out of the squash and peas. I wanted to train the spinach to climb up the chain link fence — a perfect lattice! — and not to trail hither and yon on the temporary dog fence.

So, I unwound it and twirled it around the chain link fence. When I checked back on the plant’s progress a few days later I saw that it had untangled itself from the chain link fence and gone back to coiling around the white wire fencing, a pointed remark that it would go its own way, thank you very much!

I shrugged because it wasn’t that big of a deal and who is going to argue with spinach anyway? Then, earlier this week I noticed that the little guy was starting to climb up the chain link fence after all — it had created a nice foothold for itself on the dog fencing, had started to flower and was ready to stretch out more. Left to its own devices it is doing just fine.

Now, I am not a romantic about nature.

Raised on 10 acres in South Central Texas I have seen my share of dead creatures, killing creatures, and hostile wildlife — including prickly flora and lethal snakes. The quote from native Texan Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone, that everything in Texas is trying to bite you, stick you, or sting you is not far from the truth…critters and plants are a little more prickly down here generally speaking.

I have watched how year after year people who cultivate land in our area must beat back lavish vines like honey suckle and ruthlessly weed out Johnson grass in order to get their gardens to grow and not have their trees choked out. I have heard stories about the lady who has pastured chickens and might lose 100 birds in one night when a thunderstorm and cold front blow in all at once.

But I have also seen enough “praise Jesus” sunsets and thunderstorms and baby rabbits in the field to know that there is infinite wisdom in our natural world — that often watching nature “take its course” teaches us as much if not more about ourselves than about that concept that we erroneously see as outside of ourselves and call nature. I say erroneously because we are all a part of it–not standing outside and looking in, but inside, in the leaf, the fruit, and seed.

I work with people who are often weary with trials and worries and concerns. Their hearts are heavy, and their fears are real.

Often there is sound advice I can deliver using intuition, sometimes a devotional candle needs to be lit or an elaborate ritual constructed to deal with a situation. I do not see these things as taking place outside of nature — blessings, praise, fire magic, ceremony, and ritual power are all found in the natural world.

What I also find, is that deep within a person’s own heart, there is a wild knowing that is full of wisdom and that often already holds the answer. Whatever it is that you are going through right now – be it amazing, troublesome, extremely difficult, unexpected, or somewhere in between all of that, remember that you can meet it with that wild knowing…it may take you in an unexpected direction…you may start climbing the “wrong” fence…but at the end of the day it will turn out to be just what was right and just what was needed.


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