Hearth and Home Vol. 23: In-Breath

Blessed New Moon in Capricorn! If you are planning a ceremony today and need a blessing then you may work with the one I wrote five years ago in honor of this Moon.

For me, January is a time of in-breath, deep listening, and a sacred pause.

In years past I have had my calendar for the year already set by the time January 1st rolls around but I deliberately did not do that this year.

Once Jupiter and Saturn met in the sign of Aquarius I knew we were entering into a new Astrological era, one governed by the element of Air.

As a result, both the plans we make and the way we plan are going to look different from what they used to be.

(In fact, I am going to be serving up a free training on Planning by Starlight later this week. If you want to get in on it sign up for this list or make sure to bookmark this page where all the goodies will show up.

So I entered the month with the idea to be still and quiet and let what needed to be known and scheduled and made space for coming to me, instead of breathlessly filling the calendar with every single thing I could think of.

I’ve actually been working a lot behind the scenes, editing the first full proof of Star Child, making ceremony for all the Fixed Star Society members, and getting the boys re-oriented into back to school time.

They had a beautiful Christmas with lots of great family time. Our holiday, like everyone’s, looked different this year but it was rich and full.

In the middle of it, we got to celebrate Jasper, our oldest, making the first chair in the Youth Symphony of San Antonio!!! He worked so hard for this and we are so proud of him!

We also celebrated Heath being *this close* to pedaling on his new bicycle that Santa brought. Another month, y’all – I’m betting on it.

I dove deep into Omen Days this year which ended on Epiphany and resulted in this letter to our community.

My love is wrapping up a series on Dante and getting ready for a series on Hamilton – the musical and the man. Right now he is in research and reading mode so I have learned SO. MUCH. about Founding Father Alexander Hamilton – it always astounds me how much the Founders did with the challenges they faced. Astounds and inspires. (PS: if you want to learn about my beloved’s book groups join his mailing list here).

And for now, I am looking forward to a long and deep Winter’s day, where the magic will be made, books will be read, and coffee will be savored.

I’m wishing calm and steadiness to you and yours now and always!

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