Jupiter in Pisces ~ The Last Shall Come First

In 2021, Jupiter spends much of its time in the final sign of the Zodiac, Pisces, the sign of the Cosmic Fish. Jupiter first moves into Pisces on May 13th, 2021, and then retrogrades out of the sign on July 29th, 2021. He then re-enters Pisces on December 28th, 2021, and remains in Pisces through May 10th, 2022.

Though Jupiter is most usually associated with Sagittarius and the 9th house, this planet is actually considered the ancient ruler of Pisces and the 12th house and was strongly affiliated with both until the discovery of Neptune; this means that Jupiter is quite at home in Pisces and is, in a way, returning to its native ground. It is important to understand that while Jupiter, long considered one of the most beneficial of planets, is in its happy place of Pisces that does not mean that everything will be rosy and perfect during this transit. In fact, looking at the world solely through rose-colored glasses is one of the actions that can create problems during this period. Personally and for my clients, I have found that Jupiter’s influence has about a year of lag time between where it currently is in the sky and the effects we feel on terra firma. In other words, though Jupiter will be in Pisces for a good part of 2021 and 2022 the effects of his presence there may not be felt on a personal level until late 2022 and 2023. (This is one reason why so many people have hard years during their Jupiter Returns but then find the next year to be much easier).
All of this said, Jupiter in Pisces gives us some wonderful opportunities and it is a blessed time for those with Sun, Moon, or Ascendants in Pisces or those who have strong Jupiter or Neptune placements in their natal chart. The theme of this transit to me is the idea that the last will come first. When Jupiter was in Aquarius it helped foster the overturning of old, outdated systems, attitudes, and cultures. Now in Pisces, Jupiter ushers in healing and magnifies the roles of those who serve, help, aid, and assist as well as those who are humble in manner and means.

Recall that Jupiter is the planet of generous expansion – it is the only planet in our solar system that sends out more energy than it receives. This means that when Jupiter enters Pisces it will emphasize some of the most essential characteristics represented by this sign including making art and music, restoring romance, learning from history, connecting to our Ancestors, developing our intuitive gifts, working with our dreams, healing wounds on all levels, taking spiritual pursuits seriously, working positively with death and dying, and being of service in whatever ways are needed.

At the same time remember that Jupiter is also the planet that magnifies any given area of our life. This means that any habits, patterns, or tendencies that are not so desirable can also be emphasized and called out during this time. When Jupiter is in Pisces some of those problematic qualities can include our tendencies to engage in lies and deception, including self-deception, substance abuse, addictive tendencies, fixations on victimhood/martyrdom, hypochondria, depression, intense mood swings, loneliness, and unhelpful escapism. As always, the way to balance out these elements is to emphasize the positive opportunities that Jupiter blesses during this transit.

Remember that this is a period where we all feel more sensitive and thin-skinned. Amping up your protection work, practicing excellent self-care in whatever way that looks like for you, and asking for help are all essential activities during this period.

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