What to do BEFORE Mercury Retrograde

ear Miracles,

Is there a way to prepare for Mercury Retrograde, you know, BEFORE it starts?

If you are Mercury sensitive then I recommend the Mercury RX survival kit. And no matter what your Mercury rx experiences have been, here are the things to check on BEFORE the speedy planet begins its apparent backwards descent.

Electronics: Anything with an electronic component – computers, televisions, smart phones, even appliances. Consider what the electric tools are that you use every day and start with those. Make sure you have light bulbs and printer ink at your house and ready to go. Obviously back your computer and phone up. You don’t need to use this pre-game time to organize files (that is actually a great thing to do during the retrograde), but do make sure everything is stored, saved, and accessible.

Physical mail and shipping items: If there are things you need to physically mail – letters, thank you notes, bill payments, invoices, etc try to get them out before Mercury goes retrograde. And, in my experience, I always run out of packing tape during this period so if you ship out things to people you might want to make sure your shipping supplies are nicely stocked.

Your vehicle: Again, you can get the tune-up or repairs during the retrograde period – I actually schedule ours to occur during retrogrades as much as possible, but make sure that the vehicle is in driving condition, check up on tires, make sure your AAA membership is up to date, that there is enough gas in the tank, etc. If you use public transportation make sure that you arrive earlier during the retrograde period to allow for the blocks and bumps that do occur with such systems from time to time.

Travel plans: If you are going somewhere and need to make reservations for flights, rental vehicles, and/or lodging, I recommend you get those tasks completed before the retrograde period begins. I have traveled, somewhat extensively during Mercury rx and not had a problem because I scheduled the travel and arranged it beforehand.

Relationships: Look at the relationships in your life; personal and professional. What are the relationships that are currently suffering from lack of clear communication and cooperation? Those are the relationships that are most likely to be affected during the retrograde period. Do what you can now to strengthen and shore up those connections – even if that means agreeing to disagree but not get into any tough discussions until after the speedy planet goes direct once more. And since we are talking about communication…

Communications: If there is a big conversation that you are finally, finally, ready to have then have it before Mercury goes retrograde or accept the need to wait until after it is direct. This can be anything from telling your lover you’d like them to move in to telling your boss that you want a raise. Also, remember that communication is never exclusively verbal; heed your non-verbal cues as well.

Writing projects: If you are waiting to start a big writing project go ahead and start it now. Projects started during Mercury rx tend to be harder to stick to, but projects already underway can benefit from the extra Mercury-infused scrutiny of this time.

Zodiac Sign: Consider the sign or signs that Mercury is going retrograde in; each sign gives the retrograde period a slightly different flavor. For instance, this time around Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo, that means that this is a prime time to reorganize your physical spaces, get medical check-ups and second opinions, and be especially careful with financial transactions.

Take it deeper: Finally, I encourage you to go deep with your retrograde experience; don’t keep it at a superficial and crazy-making level but allow yourself to see it as the reminder of our connection to the depths, the unseen, and the crossroads that it truly is.


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