Your Soul Soil – An Active Imagination Journey complementing Chapter One of Making Magic.

Discovering Your Soul Miracles,

In an hour and change, we will be celebrating the New Moon in Taurus! This is a great moon to do some wealth and money magic, to join Bull Strong if you have not already done so, and to clean out and bless your wallet. Here is a prayer story I wrote for this New Moon a couple of years ago.

It is ALSO a wonderful and auspicious time to garden, go outside, and bless your place and the creatures that share space with you.

Along those lines, I am very happy to introduce you to the first installation of Making Magic | Taking AIM. This is a series of Active Imagination Meditations (AIM) that complement each chapter of my book, Making Magic.

This first meditation is an exploration of the wildest and precious land you will every encounter – your own soul soil – and complements the first chapter of the book.

Listen to it here.


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