There is No Healing Without Tension–How to Nail April’s Astro

ear Miracles: So the Astro for April is, as I have written elsewhere, incredibly intense. My mantra for the month, given to me by my lovely Nia teacher is: there is no healing without tension.

Around April 21-22nd (depending on where you are on the planet) the starscape is going to form a Grand Cardinal Cross. It is actually very appropriate astrology for Easter and the entire concept of sacrificing in order to redeem and transform (take this in whatever way you can best work with it) is relevant.

A Grand Cardinal Cross occurs when planets enter the four cardinal signs of the zodiac at the same degree. The four cardinal signs of the zodiac are: Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn and the four planets this time around are Mars (going retro), Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto sitting in each of these signs respectively. Check out the arrangement in the chart below:

As you can see looking at the above chart, these four planets in their respective signs are forming a big square in the sky. In astrology whenever anything is squared there is tension, and in the case of this massive square, there is the potential for A LOT of tension. The individual squares are as follows:

  • Mars squared with Pluto and Jupiter
  • Jupiter and Pluto opposed to each other
  • Uranus square with Pluto
  • Uranus opposed to Mars

The Uranus/Pluto square is one that we skywatchers have been paying attention to for a long time because as it started in 2007 we experienced the financial crash. Generally speaking, Uranus and Pluto squaring each other create tensions around forms of wealth development and the “hidden” traumas that so many people in the world experience every single day. There is a lot of doom and gloom around this skyscape and while I am not saying that it is going to be tra-la-la easy I would like to collectively see us talk more about the amazing healing opportunities this line up makes available to each of us.

The healing is especially noteworthy wherever the sign of Cancer falls in your natal chart; that is where Jupiter will be hanging out, but it is available across the board. More than that, we have a cosmic green light to literally RECOLLECT ourselves. To bring the parts of ourselves that feel isolated back into conversation with one another. Of course, that conversation will not be easy…at first, but the fruit it can yield is SO worth the effort!

Generally speaking the guidelines for April are:

Amp up your daily spiritual practices: this is not the month to become inconsistent in grounding, centering, and anchoring, prayer, and sitting in stillness and silence. If you have a cornerstone spiritual practice maintain it through April and perhaps increase it slightly to offer yourself more support.

Do not make any sudden changes: with Uranus and Mars Rx there can be deep insights, flashes of brilliance and a desire to make lasting changes NOW. Try your best to keep a coherent record of the ideas that come but choose not to act on making sudden changes until we are well into May, or better yet, June.

Let it go: Pluto is a destructive change agent–wherever Pluto is in your chart, you are shedding stuff just like a snake sheds its skin. Resistance is futile so don’t do it; exercise discernment and cooperation in letting go whatever needs to be let go.

No Drama Mama: This is NOT the month to engage in the creation of and participation in high drama–especially the kind that goes NOWHERE. Keep calm and rock on.

Kindness: To yourself and others–especially in the way you speak. Really this is a good rule of thumb always but remember that kindness, real kindness, does not sacrifice truth.

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