Get ready to do Magic

Here Be Dragons
Community Ceremonies
Every now and then as the spirit strikes, I create a community altar service around one of the “dragons” that many of us have personal experience with.
Specific petitions, blessings, prayers, and intentions will be written by each person who participates – because words really do have wings.
Once a month community ceremonies – everyone is welcome to participate. Check the Here Be Dragons page to find out what the current focus for the ceremony is.
Light the Way: Wealth and Wisdom Lamp
Lodestones, and pyrite and coins, oh my!
In November of 2018, a VERY BIG THING happened. It involved beautiful Jupiter, the celestial source of wealth, wisdom, energy, and fun, moving into its home turf and favored sign of Sagittarius – the fiery, freedom-loving archer. This happens every twelve years and this time around I wanted to create something that everyone in the community could participate in, I wanted to create a ceremony that would Light the Way into greater wealth (in every good sense of the word) and greater wisdom for all of our community.
Light the Way: Wealth and Wisdom Lamp includes:
Your petition, placed into an exactingly made magical lamp constructed and consecrated for drawing wealth, wisdom, and abundant good things into your life through the Jupiter is Sagittarius transit. This magical lamp is kept on premises with me and worked by me daily on behalf of all petitioners.
COST: $70

Bull Strong ~ Wealth Stabilizing Rite
On May 15th 2018 the planet Uranus moves from the sign of Aries where it has been raising a ruckus for the past 7 years and into the sign of Taurus, the Bull.
This marks the beginning of a new seven year cycle that is going to shake up our most solid institutions and assumptions in both the personal and global spheres.
To give you an idea of what Uranus in Taurus can look like, the last time it occurred was between the years of 1935-1942 – a couple of events that happened during this time were the Great Depression and the beginning of WWII. Both changed our economy and global culture in ways we are still grappling with today.
To that end, and in honor of this transition I am creating a very special sacred vessel for our community. This is a wealth stabilizing magical container that I will work with daily for the full 7 year period that Uranus is in Taurus. And yes, the picture is not lying, our sacred vessel really IS crafted in the shape of a Bull!!!
WHAT: Bull Strong Wealth Stabilizing Rite includes:
Your petition, places into an exactingly made sacred vessel for wealth building, preserving and stabilizing throughout the Uranus in Taurus transit. This sacred vessel is kept on premises with me and worked by me daily on behalf of all petitioners.
COST: $70
Devotional Candles
From the striking of the match and the lighting of the wick, to the incandescent glow of flame casting light on hope, faith, reverence, dreams, and all that we hold dear — candles point the way.
And we know that as the candles burn our intentions are heard and the obstacles barring our path fall away like so much melted wax.
WHAT:Twelve Months of Lunar Lights – one devotional candle, lit once a month, on the full moon for 12 months:
COST: $360 (MTS and Spinning Gold students please see your discounts)
REGISTRATION: Through January 19th at midnight.

Tax Fabulous
Taxes. We say the word or hear it said and immediately our shoulders tense, our forehead wrinkles, and visions of excel spreadsheets dance through out heads…and not in a good way.
As many of my community members know, I think magic is most effective when it addresses practical, everyday concerns — like making tax season more beautiful, more abundant, and yes, even more FUN.
SERVICE INCLUDES: Milk and Honey Lodestone Rite, Milk and Honey Devotional Candle (note that there is no report with this candle), and the Tax Fabulous Workbook
COST: $100
REGISTRATION CLOSES: March 13th at midnight central time
SERVICE RUNS: From the Full Moon in Libra on March 20th – to the second Full Moon in Libra on April 19th.
Eclipse Magic
In August of 2017 I decided to create a special Eclipse Season Ceremony – it was an experiment where I applied my understanding of eclipses…that eclipses are for breaking patterns to some intentional magic making and I invited five folks to join me for a beta run.
The results have been spectacular.
Of course they have. It makes a ton of sense: eclipses are celestial phenomena that turn the regular cycles and patterns of the heavens on their heads at least for a little while.
This eclipse medicine is unique and can be applied to our own life as well.
So, as I like to do with all successful magic, I want to open this offering up and out to all of you, thus the Eclipse Magic Service is born!
WHAT: Each Eclipse Magic service includes
Devotional Candle
Fire and Ash Ceremony
Ritual Report and Divination
Prompts to work with during Eclipse Season
DELIVERED: via email
COST: $275
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 11, 2018 at 12 noon.

Banish & Burn
This is the seventh year I have hosted the Banish and Burn community ceremony and I hope all of you will join me in walking into 2019 fresh and clean!
CEREMONY OCCURS: evening of 12/31
COST: $13
REGISTRATION CLOSES: 12/30 midnight central time
For many people 2019 has been a tough year full of discord, disappointment, and division. But even for those of us who have experienced just the normal ups and downs that go with every single year, it is goo to realize that as one year ends and another is born we enter into a liminal time where change and magic are afoot.
This is the community ceremony where we collectively get clear on what we want to release and then we drop it like its hot!
Whatever you are ready to DROP, PUT DOWN, and WALK AWAY from goes into the fire – we banish it by burning it up.